Used for thousands of years as a way to treat various illnesses such as asthma, acupuncture traces its roots in ancient Chinese culture. Whilst the symptomatic and even severe conditions of asthma can be effectively treated by Modern Western Medicine, it is not designed to completely cure the disease.
One reason why is that asthma is a condition that involves more than the mere external symptomatic sickness of breathing difficulties, sneezing, coughing, and wheezing. This disease has also got something to do with your overall health, and the ability of your immune system to fight off allergies that set off the asthma.
Traditionally a way to promote overall wellness, acupuncture also helps enhance the strength of the body so that it may be able to resist pollutions it is regularly exposed to. The root of acupuncture springs from millennia of accumulated health and healing knowledge and practices of Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is based on the principle that a person’s body is electrically interconnected. Based on age-old theories, illnesses such as asthma can be attributed to abnormal circulation of life energy known as “chi” all over the body. Sometimes, a blockage may develop in the pathways where chi flows causing it to slow down and stagnate and it is up to the “sifu” (Master Healer) to locate the part of the body where the blockage has developed. The stagnant flow of chi and the eventual imbalance in its distribution is why disease appears in the body.
A skill first learned then mastered by the “sifu,” acupuncture is a method used to unblock the affected area using extremely thin sterile needles carefully inserted along the area in question and/or other distal parts of the body associated with the problem area in order to restore balance and the proper flow of chi throughout the body. When done appropriately, acupuncture can convey chi to the lungs so that he respiratory system can be tonified to make it more resilient to factors that trigger asthma attacks. Once a balanced flow of chi is achieved, the body becomes strong and begins to function optimally, which makes it more than able to fight off diseases.
Most individuals will start to experience results almost immediately after receiving a number of acupuncture treatment sessions. But to make sure that the benefits last a long time, the treatments need to continue until the asthma is cured completely. Acupuncture is often combined with the patient’s regular asthma treatment under the proper guidance of his/her physician.
Based on the teachings of ancient Chinese medicine, the flow and balance of good chi does not only concern the body. The environment plays a role as well. If an office, for example, or a building has bad “chi”, the people working in that place are likely going to experience ill health such as work-related asthma eventually.
Acupuncture Health Center
1303 Astor St #101
Bellingham, WA 98225
(360) 715-1824