Being a scientifically validated procedure for dozens of health conditions including sexual health problems, acupuncture is a Chinese medical technique used for thousands of years old and whose use is often combined with Chinese herbal formulas to address sexual functioning concerns. With the use of filiform needles inserted into certain points of the skin, a man or a woman’s overall sexual health can be greatly improved. This includes sex drive (libido) and sexual performance enhancement. Besides that, acupuncture also tackles underlying problems that may aggravate sexual health issues like hormonal imbalances, weight fluctuation, drug interactions, psychological challenges, menopause, and many more.
A powerful tool for addressing the emotional, mental, and physical aspects of a person, acupuncture has very few side effects and has low risks with results that can be seen in a relatively short amount of time although this comes with a caveat in which results are based on how serious the imbalances are in your body.
This alternative type of acupuncture technique adopts a less invasive approach via the utilization of the same diagnostic tools and points but without the use of needles. Pressure on the acupoints is done through massage. The technique is often done using your elbows, knuckles, fingers, and even vibrators; they all aid in boosting blood flow. Patients can actually avail of acupressure in-between acupuncture sessions to maintain stimulation in-between treatments.
Using vibrators on acupressure points
You can use a small massager or vibrator to improve the level of stimulation of your acupressure procedure. Using a small vibrator enables you to have more pinpoint accuracy in stimulating an affected acupoint that needs to be stimulated.
Sexual performance issues and acupuncture
In providing balance to the body, acupuncture resolves any interruptions to the flow of vital energy in the body, which the Chinese refer to as Qi or Chi. The acupuncturist targets the kidney and heart organ systems when treating low libido and poor sexual performance as they are the most affected organ systems when it comes to sexual dysfunction. Also addressed are the other possible factors that cause imbalances in the body.
Chinese medicine diagnostic tools are used by the acupuncturist as well as questioning the patient about his/her symptom to identify the imbalances in the body. A diagnostic examination of the tongue and pulse is the most common way an acupuncturist examines a patient. The acupuncturist examines 25 pulse states through nine positions which are more than the conventional pulse examination that nurses and doctors perform on patients. Information is provided when these pulse positions are examined. Information such as the overall health of the patient and the functioning capacity of the body organs can be gleaned from this type of pulse examination. When the tongue is examined, the acupuncturist checks on the cracks, coating, moisture, shape, and color of the tongue to ascertain the organ functioning and overall health of the patient.
Besides acupressure and acupuncture, others Chinese medicine techniques such as electro-acupuncture, cupping, Chinese herbs, and moxibustion among others can be used to treat sexual dysfunction. Geared to improve blood circulation the sexual organs, these treatments also help balance hormones levels, and lower stress. Some of the benefits of these treatments include the ability to experience satisfying orgasms, better lubrication (for women), sex drive boost, endurance, better ejaculation (for men), and longer erections (for men).
Beyond sex drive enhancement
Besides increasing sex drive, acupuncture can address other kinds of sexual issues including:
-STD outbreaks
-Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
-Female sexual dysfunction
-Female sexual arousal disorder
-Poor sperm mobility
-Sexual aversion disorder
-Premature ejaculation
-Prostate problems
-Male and female menopause
-Erectile Dysfunction
DeJongh Acupuncture Clinic
2929 SW 3rd Ave #610
Miami, FL 33129
(305) 677-3214