Even as far back as 5,000 years ago, acupressure therapy was already being practiced in India. Unfortunately, over time, the use of this technique diminished in India but, as some historical accounts state, was preserved in Sri Lanka in the form of acupuncture were it was learned and used by nomadic Aryans or Buddhist monks who brought it to China and Japan. Currently, the general consensus is that acupuncture was invented by the Chinese which they introduced to the world. Way back in the 16th century, this healing technique was already known and practiced by the Native Americans. Clinical studies in the 20th century have played a major role in the propagation, development, and popularity of this modality. The World Health Organization has endorsed it as a valid therapy for dozens of illness and many naturopathic and allopathic physicians are now practicing this easy and simply therapy.
Acupressure and Acupuncture in San Antonio are very closely related. The word acupuncture was derived from two Latin words ” Acu=needle” and “Puncture=pierce”. It means a method of resolving illnesses through insertion of needles at specific points in the body. Acupressure, on the other hand, is a technique that uses the application pressure of on specific points on the body with the use of a thumb, jimmy (rubber or wooden stick), finger, or hand.
Uses of Acupressure
Acupressure is basically a treatment that helps stimulate the healing power of the body. When pre-determined acupressure points on the skin surface are pressed, muscle tension is loosened that promotes the circulation of chi or vital energy and blood. This therapy may be utilized to treat various health conditions among which are back pain, anxiety, fatigue, menstrual disorders, allergies, body aches, shoulder pain, neck pain, headaches, stress, and many others.
Acupressure is contraindicated for certain illnesses that demand medical care, like infections, ulcers, or severe burns. It shouldn’t be administered on stomach pressure points when the stomach region needs to be avoided, when the patient has a life threatening condition such as stomach cancer, or if the patient is pregnant.
How Is Acupressure Used?
Usually, acupressure applies pressure using the finger, thumb, or an acupressure device called jimmy. When the energy channel through which vital or energy or chi circulates becomes blocked (due to muscle tension, stress, etc.), the body experiences pain and illnesses. Certain acupressure points are stimulated to help relax the muscles permitting the chi and blood to flow freely once more. Besides muscle tension, acupressure can also liberate an emotional lock by freeing buildup tension. This therapy can also release lactic acid that has amassed in the muscle tissues. During a strenuous exercise, the muscles produce lactic acid and the liver organ usually filters it off the blood and muscles. In Western cultures today, the various acupressure techniques are in use. They include:
• Jin Shin Jyutsu – This technique is a type of self help acupressure that instead of massage-like movements involve the light touching of the body.
• Acu-Yoga: A type of acupressure involving Yoga postures and whole body stretches that press and stimulate acupoints on the energy channels (meridians).
• Shiatsu: A robust style of acupressure involving rhythmic pressing of pressure points.
• Do-In: A type of self-acupressure that entails muscle and acupoint massaging as well as stretching, physical exercises, and deep breathing exercises.
Pressure on the acupressure points that’s either light or mild is applied during an acupressure treatment this pressure is moved around the points in a tight circle. While acupuncture is oftentimes done with the thumbs, fingers, and hands, the knees or elbows are sometimes used for certain pressure points and for certain circumstances. When pressed, the most reactive points can be sensitive or tender. The right treatment can be determined through this sensation. If the person feels no sensation, the pressure may not be strong enough or the pressure point being treated may not be the right one. During acupressure, the sensation should fall somewhere between pain and pleasure.
The Benefits of Acupressure
• Prevention: Potentially, acupressure can prevent the occurrence of all diseases including paralysis, heart and cardiovascular problems, and even cancer.
• Diagnosis: Medical examination without any tests; quick and correct diagnosis.
• Cure: All types of diseases can be potentially cured with acupressure. These include brain/ cancer conditions.
Risks: Acupressure should never be considered as a substitute for required conventional allopathic treatment. However, it can be used alongside other forms of treatment.
From The Perspective of Health, The World Could Be Divided Into The Following:
1. 15% (More or Less): The percentage of people who really require medicine, medical help, and surgery. There are more than enough hospitals and medical practitioners in the world that can address the needs of these people. When they get better, they can avail of acupressure to prevent themselves from falling ill.
2. About 25%: This is the percentage of people who are presently ill and who can be inexpensively cured through acupressure, which also can prevent them from falling ill again.
3. About 60%: The percentage of people who presently enjoy good health (including those about to be born) but are at risk of falling ill. Their sickness can be prevented through regular acupressure treatments.