These days, we’re far more aware of the ideas of sound frequencies, the continuous vibrating state of sounds, and the sounds of all matter in the universe. To peer inside the human body, eliminate kidney stones and gall stones, unlock and search for oil, or search other secret hidden deep inside the earth, we know use the technology of ultra sound waves.
It may seem that sound frequencies are totally unrelated to the healing of the body but in Chinese medicine in Orlando, there are various very old fantastic ways to cure and heal the body that are rarely known today. One such healing method is called “The Six Syllable Secret” or the “The Six Healing sounds”.
The initially three of these sounds were “SHHHHH,” “WUUUUUU,” and “SSSSSS” for the liver, kidneys, and lungs respectively. Then, we need to discuss the last three sounds for the spleen, heart, and Triple B, which is a vital system for balancing energy.
The Six Sounds
1. The Spleen – When doing the sound of the spleen, you need inhale deeply, then breathe out and utter the sound WHOOOOOOOOOO. Deeply breathe in into the abdomen, pancreas, and spleen while visualizing a yellow and bright light with the aspects of musical creation, compassion, and fairness entering them. Perform this sound three to six times.
2. The Heart – When doing the sound for the heart, you need to first perform some few deep inhalations, then shut your eyes and become cognizant of your heart. You can start producing the sound for the heart after a few breaths by leaning your head back while looking up, then upon breathing out, you utter the sound HAWWWWWWWWWWWW.
Between each repetition, take a short rest and perform a few normal breaths. While your eyes are kept shut, visualize a bright red color along with the aspects of creativity, honor, sincerity, and joy with each inhalation entering your heart. Do omit this as this is a very important step.
Perform the sound for the heart for three to six 6 times. If you suffer from heart pains, heart disease, swelling in the tongue or gums, or have cold sores or a sore throat, or if you’re encountering jumpiness or moodiness, or to detoxify the heart, you need to perform this exercise nine to 36 times.
Make this sound nine to 36 times if you’re also desirous of detoxifying your spleen or have diarrhea, nausea, or indigestion. This sound is healthier and more effective than taking antacids. This is the sound that can be done right after eating.
3. The Triple Burner. The triple burner sound is a very simple sound. It is similar to the word “He” but the “e” sound is prolonged for the rest of the breath. This is the sound HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. The sound for the Triple Burner, as with the other sounds, needs to be uttered “sub vocally” or very softly which means you need only to exhale and open your mouth as if making the sound, but without vibrating the vocal chords or actually making a sound. The sound for the triple burner can help normalize heartbeat and Chinese martial artists often use it to help slow down their heartbeat during strenuous exercises or either after or during or a fight.
The triple burner sound may also be helpful in the treatment of insomnia. It can be performed for three to nine repetitions per set. For each set, repeat several times if you need to calm down your entire system or to help slow your heart.