23. October 2019 · Comments Off on The Chinese Healing Art Of Bian Stone Therapy · Categories: Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine · Tags:

For thousands of years, through the application of unique type of stones onto specific body parts, the Chinese were able to heal illnesses successfully. These stones were called Bian Stones (Bianshi) and were used specifically for therapeutic purposes similar to acupuncture needles.

According to Dr. Xie, a physician at Beijing’s Chaoyang Hospital Department of Acupuncture, the Bianshi is a tool commonly used to treat neck and back pain of office workers. He said that Bian Stone therapy was originally a type of acupuncture treatment that used the “Bian Stone” instead of needles to address illnesses. The stones used were made of precious materials found in China’s Shan Dong coastal area.

How Can a Stone Help Relieve pain?

The Bian Stone has been discovered to create ultrasound pulsation and infra-red effect, which is very useful in healing diseases and thus has been used in TCM Hospitals or Bellingham Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospitals for treatment of skin disorders, chronic and acute lower back pain, cervical spondylosis, and soft tissue injuries. With regard to traditional Chinese medicine, health conditions can be due to an imbalance within the body. The healing technique of Bianshi can be helpful in expelling heat; curing rheumatism; relaxing the mind; opening the energy channels; and in regulating Yin and Yang, blood, and Chi.

Bian Stone treatment typically begins with a TCM warming up massage to open up the energy channels or meridians of the body. Then, a number of Bian Stone therapies with pre-heated bian stone is performed. This method can be used alongside various traditional Chinese Medicine modalities, such as Cupping or Acupuncture to attain the healing on the disease of a cervical vertebra. Initially, Bian stone therapy is administered once a day. After pain is alleviated, healing is administered two to three times a week or at least once or twice a week. This therapy can help treat neck and back pain and improve a person’s quality of life.

Dr. Xie stated that that neck and back pain are external manifestations of imbalances within the body. From the standpoint of TCM, Bian stone therapy is designed to address the underlying cause which leads to total body balance both externally and internally. It can help a person attain overall body health, besides the treatment of neck and back pain.

In addition to the treatment of neck and back pain, Bian Stone therapy can also be used to induce a deep feeling of relaxation, rectify digestive disorders, enhance the flow of lymph and blood, detoxify the body, and relieve muscle stiffness and aches. In short, this therapy is a non-invasive and totally safe process that can efficiently boost circulation and thus, speed up rehabilitation and healing.

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