Certain surgical injuries or operations tend to cause ugly scars. After surgery, these scars can become inflexible, rubbery, tough, discolored and feel sensitive to the touch long after the completion of the operation.
One of the best ways to lessen the appearance of the scar is acupuncture. This wonderful increases the local production of cortisol, an anti-inflammatory natural hormone that helps dissolve the scar tissue. People who undergo acupuncture scar treatment in Cleveland may see the scar’s color transform from red dark purplish color to the body’s own natural skin color. The tissue quality of the scar also changes from rubbery and tough to supple and soft. The scar’s physical appearance will be significantly lessened after the end of the treatments which may be more than treatment session.
The adhesions and scar on the ligaments, muscles and tissue from the surgery may even cause chronic pain even years after the surgery. These scar adhesions and tissues can pull and grab at other muscles generating pain with movement.
To help cure the chronic pain related to surgery, acupuncture can help reduce chronic pain by breaking down the scar tissue that had developed on the ligaments and muscles as the body was healing itself by “knitting” itself back together after the operation. Along with Myofascial Release Technique or Active Release Technique, acupuncture can vastly improve the efficacy of the treatment.
The advantages of acupuncture in treating scar tissue are listed below:
Acupuncture is a convenient form of treatment – Thirty minutes of acupuncture therapy is all that is needed to produce good results. No creams or bandages are needed neither would you need certain other activities or sunlight. Acupuncture does not produce stitches or wound. You can take a bath or shower immediately after the treatment.
Acupuncture is an entirely natural therapy – It helps the body to naturally heal itself.
Among all the forms of scar treatment, acupuncture is the safest of them all – It is very much safer than surgery without any of its side effects.
Acupuncture is a generally pain free procedure – The patient may experience a slight prick as the needle is inserted, which immediately dissipates. Compared to laser therapy, acupuncture is a much more comfortable form of treatment.