Initially Tai Chi began as a form of Chinese martial art totally different from the one practiced today. After hundreds of years, it gradually evolved to what we know and love as the graceful and smooth movements practiced by today’s Tai Chi masters. In fact, many of these masters are Europeans and not Chinese, although they have a deep devotion and love for this wonderful … Continue reading
The gentle and soft internal martial art of Tai Chi can and ought to be performed in a flowing way for all practitioners regardless of age. Nowadays, in East Asia and especially in China, more and more people over 50 years of age are taking up Tai Chi while the younger generations are not that interested in taking up this ancient healing art.
Tai Chi … Continue reading
The system of Chinese Movements related with mental peace and health other than physical fitness has a very long history that goes as far back as 2,500 years ago. Tai Chi was created to provide human beings with a peaceful life and keep them healthy. This type of physical meditation has movements that have been developed by several ancient dynasties of China.
The art of … Continue reading