When you hear the word acupuncture, what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you say needles, then you are among the majority. The needles are the reason most people are reluctant to try acupuncture in Miami. This is totally understandable. For me, one of my obstacles in studying acupuncture was my personal dislike of needles. From kid to adulthood, I had … Continue reading
Most of us often think of acupuncture when we think about Chinese medicine, but the fact is, herbal medicine is as important or even more important in Chinese medicine. The idea behind herbal medicine is that each herb has a number of different effects on the body through the organ or organs it affects, its actions, and its innate temperature.
Foods have the same … Continue reading
Health is more than just the absence of disease, and Chinese Medicine Herbs Treatment recognizes this with its unique capacity to harmonies and enhances our capacity for enjoyment fulfillment and happiness. Chinese herbal medicine is a complete medical system that is capable of treating disease in all its forms. Although your practitioner will treat whatever complaint you have come for, the traditional view places great … Continue reading