08. September 2015 · Comments Off on Resolving Candidiasis Through the Use of Traditional Chinese Medicine · Categories: Acupuncture · Tags:

Herbal therapy and acupuncture, both Traditional Chinese medicine modalities have a successful but unique approach to resolving the Candidiasis.

Candidiasis is a condition that is caused by a weak immune system, antibiotics, and an imbalanced diet that leads to an overabundance of candida fungi in the body. Candidiasis symptoms include fatigue, skin rashes that are itchy, intestinal distress, bloating, gas, and vaginal infections.

Besides treating … Continue reading

18. February 2015 · Comments Off on Natural Remedies for Candidiasis · Categories: Acupuncture · Tags:

Candida is a naturally occurring fungus that develops in both women and men although, in a lot of instances, an overgrowth of this tends to occur in women at least once in their lifetime. This overgrowth is known as Candidiasis and a few men may suffer from this, as well. The most common form of Candidiasis is a fungus known as Candida albicans and it … Continue reading