In all kinds of diseases, Bellingham traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has always provided people with different and unique approaches to healing. These techniques are painless, safe, and natural, and don’t require the use of drugs. According to TCM, the human body is deemed to maintain a fine balance with its surroundings via the exchange of energy. Positive energy eliminates negative energy and always flows through … Continue reading
More commonly known as ear acupuncture, auricular acupuncture or auriculotherapy is an alternative therapeutic modality that places the ear to be the vital point of healing. The principle behind this therapy lies in the fact that the outer ear is a microsystem that represents the entire human body. The various acupuncture points are designated on the auricle.
What Is Auricular Acupuncture?
Similar to traditional body … Continue reading
A lot have been discussed about acupuncture and the amazing scientifically proven health benefits this ancient practice has provided countless number of people throughout the centuries.
This article will specifically focus on the potential positive effects of auricular acupuncture, which is acupuncture on the auricle or outer ear.
As with most CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) therapies, practitioners of auricular acupuncture may overstate what the … Continue reading