Acupuncture in the treatment of bad breath or halitosis has got to be the most unique approach in treating this condition.  People living in the US see acupuncture as some kind of exotic treatment in addressing painful condition.  We never knew that acupuncture can actually cure halitosis.  Acupuncture basically is about inserting thin non hollow needles in certain areas of the body where blocked nerves … Continue reading

Natural treatments for arthritis pain are generally safe and so effective particularly when it comes to long term relief from arthritis inflammation and chronic pain.  Prescription drugs do give short term relief from arthritis pain but in exchange for this transient relief, the patient must suffer from horrible side effects brought about by these drugs, which often are more serious than the symptoms brought about … Continue reading

Thousands of years ago, only natural treatments such as acupuncture Miami were used for health problems and for physically and mentally staying fit.  Acupuncture is a uniquely Chinese medical procedure that has spread in popularity all over the globe because of its potency, efficacy, natural approach and general safety.   It still is growing in popularity especially now when people are beginning to be conscious of … Continue reading

Athletes need to be always in tiptop shape; their mental and physical aspects need to be in peak condition for them to compete above level.  Body, mind and soul must be attuned to each other especially when competition forces the athlete to be pushed to his/her limits; much like a string with a very high tensile strength pulled to its limits.  Because of this state … Continue reading

Losing weight by means of acupuncture Miami has been a proven way to shed unwanted mass.  The reason why acupuncture is such an effective weight loss program is because it elicits a relaxing and tranquil sensation that helps the body cope with stress and this prevents overeating tendencies.

Western medical science has devised so many approaches that allow the body to trim down in a … Continue reading

At the onset of HIV infection, it is good to utilize drug medications since their use can delay they progress of the disease. However, HIV infection is usually not detected until it has advanced to a certain degree.  If the individual develops a high CD4 or white blood count and low viral detection, then acupuncture and herb utilization can boost the strength of the immune … Continue reading

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) emphasizes that nature follows certain principles.  Nature has a dualistic nature seen in the interaction of opposing forces to produce energy and harmony.  In electricity, there is a negative and positive force interacting with each other to produce power.  In the elements, fire is contained by water and water can be contained by fire.  We can see that this interaction makes … Continue reading

Ear acupuncture Overland Park for weight loss has been one of the most popular acupuncture treatments for weight loss.  The ear is one part of the body possessing acupuncture points connected to meridian networks in the various major organs, the nervous system and the brain thus making the ear one of the vital parts for acupuncture therapy.

The purpose of ear acupuncture is not only … Continue reading