Acupuncture for the treatment of hypertension in Palm Harbor is one type of alternative treatment of this potentially deadly disease. Actually, it is acupuncture that is the most widely used complementary health care treatment utilized to control or lower hypertension.
Acupuncture these days is more a mainstream type of treatment for hypertension than it is an alternative type of treatment. It is a very successful treatment and its success has led a lot of doctors to consider as a part of the regimen of treatment options that patients suffering from hypertension can avail of.
Acupuncture for the treatment of hypertension acupuncture is a drug-free treatment that makes use of the body’s inherent psychological, energetic, and physical abilities. Scientists have stated that acupuncture is a more aggressive type of treatment than lifestyle changes or single- drug therapy.
Acupuncture is based on an old Chinese medical tradition known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM approaches hypertension in two ways. One way is to resolve the symptoms and the other way is to treat the patient as a whole.
In treating hypertension symptoms, your acupuncturist needs to insert needles into specific acupoints as soon as the diagnosis of hypertension has been determined. These acupoints are stimulated by the needles resulting in the lowering of the patient’s blood pressure.
In several cases, however, the patient’s concrete or pre-existing are not taken into consideration. Acupoints commonly used to treat hypertension include the Lung 11(LU11), Stomach 16 (St16), and Stomach 9 (St9) points.
A diagnosis of hypertension is based on the differentiation of syndromes. The Clinical aspects of each patient are carefully observed. Diagnostic procedures used include the observation of the tongue and sensation of the pulse of the patient. The results of these procedures will help determine the type of treatment plan to be administered.
Acupuncture and TCM usually identifies four main types of syndromes that can cause hypertension:
1. Yin and Yang deficiency syndrome – this syndrome is marked by symptoms that include a weak and tight pulse, tinnitus, pale tongue with a whitish coat, fatigue, palpitations, and vertigo. This is caused by deficiency of both yin and yang in the body.
2. Yin deficiency syndrome of the kidney and liver – this syndrome is distinguished by a tight and weak pulse, dry and reddish tongue with minimal coat, insomnia, weakness of the legs and waist, vertigo, and an uncomfortable and dry sensation in the eyes. This syndrome is the result of deficiency in liver and kidney yin.
3. Excessive yang and deficient yin syndrome – this syndrome manifests symptoms that include a fast pulse, palpitations, hot sensations in the soles and palms, dry mouth, vertigo, and headaches. This is caused by deficiency in liver yin and an excessive liver yang.
4. Excessive liver yang syndrome – marked by symptoms of restlessness, a bitter taste in the mouth, flushed eyes and face, headache, and vertigo.