What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a holistic type of Chinese medicine treatment and is used to treat various types of conditions. This noninvasive treatment method has been used by practitioners of TCM (Chinese Medicine) and acupuncture to help millions of people stay well and become well. Acupuncture in Bellingham is treatment that promotes and facilitates natural healing. It improves overall function, supports emotional /physical health, and boosts immunity and recuperative power.
What is Qi?
The concept of qi or vital energy is the core of the ancient practice of acupuncture. According to TCM, Qi is the life energy that flows throughout the body. Qi protects the body from illness and vivifies it.
Qi circulates via certain energy vessels called meridians. The body has 14 primary meridians. Each of these meridians is affiliated with specific glands and organs. Meridian channels are like rivers flowing inside the body. The flow of water in a river helps transport nourishment to the people, plants, and the land sustaining and creating life in the process. The meridians function in the same manner. They transport life, by providing Qi nourishment to every part of the body.
How is The Flow of Qi Interrupted?
When a blockage develops in the flow of Qi, it causes illness and dis-ease in the body. When the flow becomes backed up in one area of the body, the flow becomes confined in other parts. This Qi flow obstruction cuts off badly needed nourishment to the cells, glands, tissues, and organs in the body.
The various factors that can impact the balance, quantity, and quality of Qi include excessive activity, accidents, poor diet, seasonal changes, overexertion, lack of exercise, stress, and emotional and physical trauma.
How Does an Acupuncturist Treat a Condition?
Before conducting a treatment session, your acupuncturist needs to perform an exam and review the entire medical history of the patient. He/she may ask the patient some questions related to the patient’s lifestyle, symptoms, and overall health. A proper appropriate physical exam may be performed that may include a tongue and pulse examination. Collecting all vital information enables the practitioner to diagnose correctly and identify any imbalances of Qi that may have led to the patient’s health problems.
Once the Qi imbalances are found, the acupuncturist will apply sterile fine needles at certain acupuncture points along the meridian channels. This process is painless and safe, rectifies Qi balance, and removes the blockage. Once this is achieved, Qi can once again circulate unhindered throughout the body providing nourishment to the muscles, organs, cells, tissues, and glands. This can be the best way for restoring harmony and balance to your well-being and overall health.