Pain is the body signaling you that something is wrong within you. It is an essential warning system for and from the body.
Whether you are hurting as a result of a stress-related illness like sleeping problems, depression, chronic pain, or fatigue, or due to a physical injury, you are sure to immediately seek for anything that would lessen the pain. In the West, people all too often turn to what they are familiar with. They look to drugs for an instant fix. This instant relief, unfortunately, never goes to the underlying cause of the problem and people end up spending a small fortune on medical bills and painkillers since the pain keeps coming back. One can get off this quick fix merry-go-round, and the solution could be as simple as lying on an acupressure mat.
Acupressure is similar to acupuncture in Maitland and is a bona fide form of touch therapy that relies on pressure rather than needles to puncture the skin to bolster flow of blood and chi (vital energy). This procedure is a natural treatment designed to not only alleviate discomfort and pain, but also to jumpstart the healing processes of the body. Acupressure is usually undertaken in a clinical setting by a therapist, and treatments can be inconvenient and costly.
So far, using an acupressure mat is the most practical and simplest way to experience acupressure. These mats are easy to use and can be easily incorporated into your daily activities. You can use them anywhere you want and in any way you prefer. You can place your Acupressure Mat on a sofa, a chair, on the floor, or any other flat surface.
Your mind can be relaxed and tiredness reduced by lying on these acupressure mats.
Much like acupressure and massage, the circulation in your body is enhanced and the toxins that have accumulated from tension and stress are released as a point is pressed transporting more nutrients and oxygen to every cell in your body. Acupressure has a number of benefits to your health. They include: alleviating muscle tension and pain, helping your body feel more energized, strengthening your immune system, and speeding up the healing processes of your body. You can also simply use it to relax and wind down.
The simple act of relaxing and lying down on an acupressure mat will naturally stimulate the release of pain relief hormones of the body: oxytocin and endorphins. Released during excitement, touch, or exercise, these euphoric-inducing hormones, can provide comfort to aching muscles, give you a natural high, relieve stress, and help bring about a general sense of mental and physical well being.
Acupressure mats can provide the following benefits:
• Boost digestion and metabolism
• Alleviate asthma, flu, and colds
• Mobilize the immune system
• Treat migraine headaches
• Increase energy levels in your body
• Provide a more restorative and deeper sleep
You need to take into account the following facts if you still doubt whether using an acupressure mat is right for you. Acupressure mats are:
Safe — no chemicals, no needles, no side effects, no risk
Private – you can do it yourself in the comfort of your own home
Effective – Acupressure mats have a user satisfaction rate of 97 percent
Easy to use – amply relax and lie down
Cost effective – much cheaper than getting acupuncture
Convenient – you can perform it any time you need it
A brand of acupressure mat called Acuswedemat has over 14,000 acupressure points; as opposed to 8,000 in the closest competitor. The Swedish National Dressage Squad Elite Riders use this type of mat regularly for both “winding down” and training.
Acupressure has been shown as a valid type of therapy as there are several clinical studies done to attest to its efficacy. These studies were conducted in Russia, the US and Sweden; they proved scientifically that the patient subjects experienced a measurable and significant decrease in pain intensity with zero side effects.