Acupuncture Miami is a part of traditional Chinese medicine and uses energy vessels in the body to treat illnesses.  Acupuncturists believe that the stimulation of these energy vessels, called meridians will engender good health.  The free flow of energy called qi or chi is the basis of good health and the obstruction of its flow causes illness.  Acupuncture has mapped 14 main meridians in the body with over 2000 acupuncture points connected to the meridians.

The recovery of energy begins when hair thin needles are inserted at specific acupuncture points based on the manifested sickness.  Typical analogy of energy blockage in the body is debris that blocks the river flow.  Removal of the debris restores the smooth flow of the river. Besides removing chi blockages, the needles have the power to also speed up or slow down the flow of chi in the body.

Acupuncture is about 4000 years old.  Excavations done in areas around China revealed relics of acupuncture needles that were believed used for medical purposes during the decline of  the Shang dynasty.  There are three basic elements comprising acupuncture theory and traditional Chinese medicine in general.  They are the yin/yang, chi and the 5 elements.  The three use the same points system and approach diagnosis with the same style but yin/yang and the 5 elements acupuncture diverge on the use of techniques to treat a disease.

The 5 elements style of acupuncture focuses on the relationship between the body and mind in the explanation or diagnosis of illnesses and pain.  According to this type of acupuncture, physical symptoms are correctly addressed if the internal factors (usually stresses) are acknowledged.  Treatment is slow with the 5 elements acupuncture.  Yin/yang acupuncture focuses on reestablishing balance between yin and yang.  This treatment is characterized by the use of several needles applied at different sites in the body to restore yin/yang in the energy deficient organs.  Chi acupuncture incorporates both the 5 elements and yin/yang acupuncture in its style of treatment.

Modern acupuncture combines the Oriental and Western style of medicine and synthesizes them into a technique characterized by short-term and science-based treatment.  Modern acupuncture can be seen in acupuncture’s use as an anesthetic for dental and surgical purposes.  Another use of modern acupuncture is its application for symptomatic relief from pain without the need of diagnosing the patient.

Acupuncture is used widely as a treatment for migraine, infertility, hypertension, gynecological problems, depression, anxiety, extreme stress, arthritis, asthma and allergies to mention some.  Acupuncture is viewed as a treatment of last resort after medications or even surgery has failed.  May patients who opt for acupuncture are those suffering from chronic and/or acute conditions.  For those suffering from addiction, acupuncture is also seen as a treatment of last resort even although the solutions offered by Western medical science like methadone therapy or support are not really solutions at all but palliatives for the disease.

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