The term infertility itself infers that the singular symptom of infertility is the person’s inability to produce a child. Most couples only find out about their infertility problems after trying for months or even years to conceive. To properly diagnose infertility, the doctor may do a number of exams and tests on you and carefully observe the symptoms associated with this problem. A woman trying to conceive but is always unsuccessful to do so is considered suffering from infertility. Exteriorly infertility does not manifest any symptoms. All symptoms of infertility can be gleaned on tests and examinations and of course from the couple’s absence of having a baby after at least a year of trying to make one. If the woman has not shown any signs of the condition, the doctor may then set his attention on the male. If the doctor does not find any symptoms of infertility on him, the diagnosis may be termed infertility due to unknown causes.
Unfortunately for some couples, it may entail years of several tests and prolonged waiting to verify whether one of the couple or both suffer from infertility. There are a few symptoms, however, where we can get to glean a person’s likelihood for infertility.
Some Symptoms of Infertility
One symptom can entail the might be no sign of monthly period but zero result on test for pregnancy. The physician might monitor this for a certain period. This symptom is a common manifested symptom on all infertile females.
Another symptom likely to manifest female infertility is pain originating in her pelvic area.
With regards to temperature, if your basal body registers a low temperature on the first half of your ovulation period, it can be assign of an above normal estrogen level. If your basal body on the other hand has a low temperature on the last half of your menstrual cycle, then it might indicate that you have a very low progesterone level. The proper and normal balance of estrogen and progesterone are important for a successful conception; having a higher than normal basal body temperature during the first half of your menstrual period can be a sign of low estrogen level in your body or an overactive thyroid gland.
Men have no physical signs of infertility except for impotence. This can be verified if he subjects himself to a semen analysis test.