Many people seek Bellmore acupuncture treatment for help with specific symptoms or conditions. These might include anxiety states, arthritis, asthma, back pain, circulatory problems, depression, facial paralysis, fibrositis, high blood pressure, indeterminate aches and pains, infertility, menstrual problems, migraines, rheumatism, sciatica, skin conditions and ulcers.
Acupuncture is a safe treatment for all, although for babies and children, pressure rather than needles may be used. Acupuncture has proved to be effective in pregnancy management and for the relief of pain in childbirth. It is also helpful for people trying to overcome addictions such as those related to smoking, alcohol, food or drugs. Some people may have acupuncture as a preventive measure to strengthen their constitution, or because they feel unwell in themselves without being ‘ill’ in the Western sense. It can also be used alongside conventional medicine in the treatment of both acute and chronic disease. As with any therapy, the response to acupuncture can differ from one person to another.
Most people’s experience of needles is of those used in injections and blood tests. Acupuncture needles bear little resemblance to these. They are much finer and are solid rather than hollow. When the needle is inserted, the sensation is often described as a tingling or dull ache. Needles are inserted either for a second or two, or may be left in place for 30 minutes or more, depending on the effect required. During treatment, patients commonly experience a heaviness in the limbs or a pleasant feeling of relaxation. Occasionally people may experience drowsiness after treatment, in which case it is advisable not to drive or do anything that can put you at risk. The benefits of acupuncture frequently include more than just relief from a particular condition. Many people find that it can also lead to increased energy levels, better appetite and sleep as well as an enhanced sense of overall well being
Acupuncture’s complex system of diagnostic corollaries takes into account the entire person, not just isolated symptoms. It is practiced based on discerning a pattern of imbalance in the body and treating accordingly. This imbalance can be based on physical and/or emotional difficulties. Based on this theory, acupuncture diagnosis includes patient observation, questioning and palpation.
Your practitioner will ask you a detailed list of questions to determine the true nature of your complaint, including inquiries into your diet, sleeping, digestion, bowel movements, urination, pains, sweats and emotions. Your practitioner will also palpate your pulses on your wrists and abdomen, not just to check its speed, but to judge its condition. Your practitioner will look at your tongue color, shape and coating, which by its color and texture can reveal much about your health. This information will then be organized into patterns and a diagnosis and treatment plan will be constructed.