High blood pressure may strike anyone and even if you presently don’t have this condition, it can develop if you live an unhealthy lifestyle and eat the wrong types of food. Living an active lifestyle and eating healthy, less fatty foods with low salt content among others can keep you from developing high blood pressure (HBP).
- Performing physical activities – Regular exercises or physical activities help lower HBP. When your HBP is lowered, you avoid risking other health problems as well.
- Eating a healthy diet – Eat as little salt as possible when you eat. You likewise need to minimize or abstain from any consumption of alcohol. You can try an eating plan called Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension or DASH that helps prevent you from having HBP and make you healthier and more resilient to diseases and illnesses as well.
- Reduce your weight to a normal weight ideal for your height – Being and staying at a healthy weight does help a lot in preventing HBP and other forms of diseases that can come up if you’re overweight or obese.
- Stop smoking – Smoking weakens your blood vessels and makes them less flexible making you prone to HBP and atherosclerosis. It can also be responsible for the rise of upper respiratory and other diseases like cancer.
- Manage your stress well – Stress can be a potential killer for anyone. Knowing how to manage and cope with stress will help reduce greatly your likelihood for HBP. Avail of herbs, deep breathing techniques and acupuncture to remove stress in your mind and body.
People who implement these advices will live a healthy and high quality life. The more healthy changes to your lifestyle you make, the less worries you will have developing HBP and other health-related issues.
For those who already have high blood pressure, you can battle this condition with medications, regular physical activity, following a healthy diet using little or no salt at all and living a stress-free life. If your doctor has formulated a treatment plan for you to control your HBP, be sure to follow it everyday. Following your treatment plan can prevent the onset of other diseases like kidney disease, stroke or coronary heart disease and other kinds of problems related to your condition.
Children and Teens
Even children and teens can develop high blood pressure. You can follow the steps included below to prevent HBP from rising in your child or teen.
- Normal weight – Children may look cute when they’re chubby but actually their excess weight only does damage to their health in more ways than one. If your child is above his normal weight, you can ask his doctor the safe and proper ways to lose weight
- Activity – Motivate or enable your child to be active for one to a couple of hours everyday. If possible, do not let them watch TV or limit their TV watching for just a maximum of 2 hours. Talk to your child’s doctor on the best activities your child can indulge in on a regular basis
- Healthy diet – When eating give your child food with very low sodium content and saturated fats. Provide him with a diet plan that provides for a lot of vegetables and fruits. If your child is four years old or older, make him eat dairy products low in fat.
These are some of the best ways to keep your child healthy and prevent him from becoming obese and overweight thereby helping prevent him from developing high blood pressure.