Traditional herbal remedies in Orlando can be applied to the pressure areas or points with the right methods. These ingredients are used to protect the skin, lessen friction, and boost the healing effects of massage via their pharmacological qualities. Herbal remedies are chosen based on the conditions of a disease. Diaphoretic substances, for example, can be helpful in addressing an external syndrome, while an herbal remedy that increases blood circulation can be an ideal way to treat blood stasis.
Herbal remedy of a hot nature may be appropriate in treating cold syndromes, while conversely, formulas of a cold nature should be used in treating heat syndromes. This system of healing follows a logical process.
The suitability of each herbal remedy and its other qualities such as lubricant, concentration, dampness, and dryness, should also be taken into account.
After undergoing Tuina massage, it is usually not necessary to wash these remedies quickly away due to the fact that their potency remains effective for up to a couple of hours. They may be categorized as remedies made with powder, honey, oil, vinegar, alcohol, water, and juice; or as an extraction, pill, medicated plaster, etc.
Herbal Juice Remedies
These remedies are usually undiluted juices procured from fresh, uncooked ingredients. They can be modified into water remedies by adding a small quantity of distilled water.
Scallion (Cong Bai)
Wash the scallion stalks and then ground them to procure the essence or juice. The qualities are warm and pungent. It can foster normal urination, boost yang energy, and induce sweating. Kneading and grasping dashui and fengtsi points and the nose with scallion juice can help treat stuffy nose, headache, the common cold, etc. Adding shenque point to scallion juice and the lower stomach may alleviate symptoms such as dysuria, and stomach pain. Slightly diluted scallion juice is appropriate for children while thick scallion for adults.
Ginger (Sheng Chiang)
Bash the ginger into a pulp to procure the juice. Its qualities are slightly warm and pungent. It can help halt vomiting, warm the middle warmer, eliminate cold, and alleviate the external. When applied to the fengmen, diashui, and fengchi points and on the nape and neck, it can be used to treat dyspnea, headache, stiff neck, the common cold, and cough as a result of buildup of fluids and phlegm. Stomach distention, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain may be resolved by application to hsiawan, shongwan, shangwan, and tsiuweo, among others.
Garlic (Da Suan)
Remove skin from the garlic cloves and ground them to procure their juice. Garlic juice qualities are warm and pungent. The juice can invigorate the abdomen, warm the middle warmer, and kill and eliminate bacteria from the body. It can be used to treat convulsive coughing and the common colds when applied to feishu and tanshong. When kneaded and rubbed locally on rash or tinea, it can also be used to stop itching and reduce swelling.
Peppermint (Bo He)
Ground the stalks and leaves to procure the juice. It has cool and pungent properties. It can expel pathogenic elements from the External, alleviate very low chi or energy, clear heat, and eliminate wind. It can relieve toothache as a result of Wind-Fire, treat sore throat, stuffy nose, and headache, resolve an infiltration of Wind-Heat, etc., when applied to the forehead at tiantu, jiache, ying hsiang, and taiyang.
Patchouli (Hu Hsiang)
Grind the stalks and leaves to obtain the juice. Qualities are slightly warm and pungent. It helps balance the middle warmer, correct chi or vital energy, remove dampness, and expel summer-heat. When applied to yintang, shenting, taiyang, fengfu, and fengshi, it helps treat headache due to sunstroke and dizziness due to adhesion of dampness. By kneading and rubbing it into the upper stomach, it can treat heaviness in the chest, sensations of fullness, vomiting, and nausea. It may halt itching due to rubella or mosquito bites when applied locally.
Water Chestnut (Bi Chi)
Cleanse the chestnuts with water, then crush them into pieces and squeeze the juice out. The qualities are slightly cold and sweet. This juice can help resolve phlegm, treat stasis, boost eyesight, and eliminate heat. The juice is greasy and slippery and commonly utilized in massage of children. Combining point massage with the application of the juice on the stomach and forearms can treat childhood diseases such as jaundice, mass in the stomach, and fever associated with spleen qi deficiency.
Lotus Leaf (He Ye)
Crush the lotus to obtain the juice. The juice has placid, astringent, and bitter properties. It can stop bleeding, clear stasis, expel Summer-Heat and disperse and raise clear yang. It is used in curing purpura, pox, rubella, etc., and usually applied to the back and stomach.
Snakegourd (Gua Lou)
Remove the skin of the fresh fruit, throw out the seeds, and mash the fruit to procure its juice. Its qualities are cold and sweet. It can eliminate stagnation, remove phlegm, and moisten the skin, large intestine, and lungs. When applied to rugen, tanshong, and huagai, it can treat swollen breasts, stiffness in the chest, choking pain, and cough caused by Phlegm-Heat. It can relieve pain from boils and treat chapped feet and hands when locally applied.
Dandelion (Pu Gong Ying)
Clean a bunch of the whole herb with water and mash it to extract the juice. Its qualities are cold, bitter, and sweet. It can eliminate stagnations, lessen swelling, detoxify the body, and eliminate heat. When applied to the nape and neck, it can help treat cellulitis, carbuncles, and scrofula. It can relieve and prevent the pain and swelling of acute mastitis when applied to the breast and chest. It can also cure skin infections that generate pus when applied locally.
Lotus (Lian Fang)
Choose tender and thick specimens and squeeze them out to procure the juice which has cold and sweet attributes. It can be utilized to remove stasis, cool blood, boost production of body fluids, and eliminate heat. The juice is greasy and slippery and commonly used to treat child conditions such as infections and poxes that cause pus, and itching and dryness of the skin.
Swine bile (not used any longer)
As it was the best means of harnessing the chi of bile, fresh pig bile was used for hundreds of years in some regions in China. A substitute in the form of a dried preparation may be used (chicken bile may also be used). It is mixed with water and has the qualities of cold and bitterness. It is used to eliminate stagnation, relieve swelling, relax the bowels, and expel heat. It can treat jaundice, stomach distention and constipation when applied to shenque. When applied to yongchuan with kneading and rubbing action, it can treat hypertension, dizziness, etc.
Egg White
Break the eggs and set apart the whites from the yolk and use the whites only. The qualities are placid, salty, and sweet. It is commonly used to alleviate pain, reduce swelling, moisten the skin, and reinforce the Stomach- Spleen. When it’s applied to the sides of the neck and cheeks, it can very helpful in treating ailments such as sore throat, scrofula, parotitis, gingivitis, and toothache. The outcomes are enhanced when the application of the egg white is combined with the use of cactus pulp. For children, it can be applied to the stomach or chest to treat infantile malnutrition, fever, cough, etc. It is used against dry itch and pain from poxes and other skin infections that produce pus.
Breast Milk
Breast milk from a healthy woman is the best milk that can be used to treat and prevent a slew of childhood illnesses. Fresh cow’s milk can be used as a substitute although children with allergies may not be able to tolerate this well. The qualities are placid, salty, and sweet. It can be used to invigorate blood, boost the function of the gastrointestinal tract, supplement the Five Yin Organs, lubricate dryness, expel heat, increase vital energy, energize a weakened person, etc.
It was widely used by societies from long ago to treat various types of childhood diseases that include tics due to wind infiltration, lachrymal excess, and sore eyes (conjunctivitis). It is usually applied to yintang which is the region between the eyes. It can be helpful in childhood conditions such as enuresis, diarrhea, pain in the abdomen, infantile malnutrition, and weak flatulence when applied to the lower stomach, navel, or upper stomach. When applied locally to the skin, it may relieve the pain and itching caused by chapping or dryness. Human milk used in medium massage, can expel heat from the blood, and reenergize a weakened constitution.