02. July 2012 · Comments Off on Different Forms of Bellmore Acupuncture · Categories: Acupuncture · Tags: , , ,

Bellmore Acupuncture, an ancient medical technique used by the Chinese for a wide range of their health problems.  It is a treatment whereby well-being and good health is achieved by the use of fine needles inserted into the individual’s skin at certain points.  These points correspond to energy pathways called meridians that are connected to various parts of the body.  The meridians are groups of networks where chi, Chinese word for vital energy, flows.  Chi is the force that keeps the human body healthy and makes it grow.  Sometimes, the meridians develop blockages at certain organs or parts of the body.  The blockages hinder and stagnates chi flow causing other parts of the body to suffer due to energy deficiency.  This energy deficiency then manifests as illness and sickness in the body.  Acupuncture unblocks the meridians and allows normal chi flow again throughout the body thus restoring good health.   There are 14 meridian networks with at least 350 acupunctures in the body.  Acupuncture not only removes obstacles to chi flow, it also regulates and controls chi flow.  Chi flowing rapidly around the body is also detrimental to an individual’s health and acupuncture sees to it that normal chi flow is always achieved to give the body the optimal health that it needs.  There are three types of acupuncture school of thought developed after acupuncture became popular in the West.  The first is traditional acupuncture or traditional yin-yang acupuncture.  This is the acupuncture practiced by the ancient Chinese for thousands of years.  It emphasizes the importance of yin-yang balance as the key element to a person’s health.  The second is Western or medical acupuncture and the third is the Five Elements acupuncture. These three systems are inherently the same in use of acupuncture points and in procedures of diagnosis. They diverge in treatment methods and in explaining the cause of the health problem.

In Five Element Acupuncture, the basis of sickness and ailments are caused by physical conditions and emotional stress.  The Five Element Acupuncture believes that extreme emotions such as stress and anxiety ought to be addressed to mitigate a person’s physical pain.  Treating extreme emotions usually take a little longer to heal than most physical health issues.  That is why the Five Elements procedure entails a longer treatment process since it aims to treat both the mind and the physical body.  The Yin-Yang type of acupuncture focuses on the restoration of the balance of yin and yang energies of the body.  Western Acupuncture has a more pragmatic approach than the other two types of acupuncture and integrates Western medical innovations to the traditional Chinese techniques with emphasis in treating or relieving pain.  This can be seen in the use of acupuncture as an anesthetic for surgical and dental procedures.  Western acupuncture is also used as an analgesic for relief of pain and discomfort for a number of health issues.

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