In the body there are numerous channels and pathways that go through the body and attend to certain organs, called meridians. Acupuncture is all about finding where there is stagnation in these channels, and helps the body to release the blocked pathways. Where there is pain and stagnation there is no “flow” – no movement, energy, or blood flow. There can also be nodules, or physical impediments of sorts – like stuck blood or other constrictions that can come from a combination of stress, lack of breathing well, lack of movement.
The best example is the way a river flows, and if there was a trauma to the body – using the example of a big tree that falls down into the river and there is a lot of mud stuck into the stream – there will be backup, or water that goes into other places. Bellingham Acupuncture therefore takes that pathway and begins to move the elements that are stuck and reconfigure the flow. It starts to move the energy and correct itself.
In Chinese medicine, there is the concept of Yin and Yang. It is believed that when these two forces are in balance, the body is healthy. When the forces are not in balance, acupuncture works to restore the imbalance by finding the correct pressure points along the meridian channels and apply the needles accordingly.
Energy, called “qi” (pronounced “chee”), flows like rivers along pathways, or meridians, throughout the body. This constant flow of energy keeps the yin and yang balanced. On the other hand, the flow of energy can sometimes be blocked, like water getting stuck behind a dam. A disruption in the flow of energy can lead to illness. The needles help to unlock the stagnation.
However, part of the “art” behind acupuncture is finding the imbalance. According to Patti, she finds it similar to peeling back the layers in an onion.
Here are a few guidelines to getting started with acupuncture:
- Be very selective as to who you choose. This may seem obvious, but this is absolutely critical. Finding someone you trust that is compassionate and intuitive is paramount to starting off on the right foot. Some acupuncturists can give you a complimentary session. Some patients can become very emotional during the session and it can be nice that your practitioner can instantly recognized this and would talk to you very appropriately and guided you through the session. Treat yourself to two sessions per week, at least 20 minutes each day.
- Understand the herbal supplements that are prescribed. Herbs play a very important role in the acupuncture process. I am not sure how they interplay with existing fertility medications – and of course they range dramatically for different treatments – so I would most certainly consult with your doctor as you think about taking the herbal supplements as well.
- Take heed to the dietary and lifestyle changes that may be suggested to you.