A treatment which is based on the treatment of all bodily systems and follows the holistic approach is known as oriental medicine. One of the benefits of acupuncture is to improve the physical health conditions as well as affective disorders. Aside from that, this can instill a feeling of increased mental clarity.

Acupuncture Saratoga Springs practitioners believe that all illnesses are a result of the natural flow of energy through the body becoming stuck, depleted or weakened and thus making the individual susceptible to illness thus Acupuncture works directly with the body’s energy or qi. Acupuncture can benefit the body by rebalancing the gi through treatment of specific acupoints related to symptoms or illness present. Like most treatments, acupuncture is effective in removing these energy obstructions.

Clinical trials have proven that acupuncture is effective in treating various medical conditions and its use has been expanded into conventional medicine practices. While best known for the control of pain, acupuncture benefits a broad assortment of disorders. Respiratory disorders such as sinusitis, common cold, bronchitis and asthma can be successfully treated with acupuncture.

Conjunctivitis, (pink eye), nearsightedness and cataracts are just few of the eye disorders that can benefit from acupuncture. Toothache can be reduced through acupuncture. Neurological and musculoskeletal disorders including paralysis following stroke, frozen shoulder or Tennis elbow, sciatica and osteoarthritis can also be treated with acupuncture.

Acupuncture can be effective enough to reduce or eliminate the need to take drugs to control pain or symptoms, with certain health conditions. Added benefits of acupuncture are faster recovery from injuries, decreased symptoms of stress and improved circulation. Acupuncture can also be beneficial by strengthening of the immune system function, which through treatment is better able to withstand colds, minor infections, and flu.

Post-surgical nausea and vomiting can also be reduced through acupuncture. Many post-surgical patients find that acupuncture treatment is effective in increasing energy, and brings a sense of vitality. It also benefits the individual through a sense of restoring a sense of “normal self” after surgery or illness.

Multiple emotional or psychological disorders can be treated by acupuncture, which benefits addictions, phobias, obsessive behavior, eating disorders, and anxiety. Acupuncture can also be beneficial when used alongside conventional medicine treatments for both acute and chronic disease.

Often used as a form of preventative medicine, acupuncture is beneficial in preventing illness from occurring. Many people receive acupuncture without suffering from any particular malady or ailment. Treatment strengthens general constitution, and can correct a feeling of being unwell although there is no physical disorder, imbalance or illness in the traditional Western medicine sense.

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