Acupuncture Spokane has been practiced in China for thousands of years. It was not until the 20th century that the West found out about this wonderful oriental treatment. Now, acupuncture has been accepted by mainstream medicine as an effective alternative treatment and is sometimes used as an adjunct to western medical modalities. Acupuncture by itself is a very safe and effective treatment for a number of sicknesses and ailments such as back pain, skin disorders weight loss and substance abuse among others.
Acupuncture is a special treatment that concentrates on points called acupuncture points in the body to stimulate the energy of the central nervous system. By inserting needles on those points, the brain is stimulated to release special chemicals called endorphins, which aid in curing the body of many problems.
Needles used in acupuncture are sterilized standard reed-thin needles specified by the Medical Practitioners Association.
Many people feel depressed and anxious these days due to the worsening economic crisis in the US. Patients consulting with physicians regarding their anxiety and depression usually end up being prescribed with anti-depressive drugs. Some patients undergo psychotherapy sessions, which is costly. Psychotherapy and anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drugs are the two most popular treatments in the US for depression and anxiety. Another approach is through acupuncture. There have been empirical studies done showing repeatedly the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating depression and anxiety.
Ear acupuncture has been one of the more popular forms of acupuncture in treating anxiety and depression. The ear has many acupuncture points with meridians or connections to the various major organs in the body and also to the brain and central nervous system. For extreme emotions, the liver chi is usually the one affected with blockage and chi stagnation. Chi, according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the life force flowing inside our body. This free flow of chi is what makes the body healthy and grow; once blockages arise, the chi stagnates which engenders many kinds of ailments and sicknesses. Acupuncture removes the blockage and helps the body replenish its strength by increasing the body’s metabolism rate to create more energy.
One does not need another form of treatment when acupuncture is used for anxiety or depression although herbal medicine is usually given in conjunction with acupuncture to speed up treatment. Anxiety and depression are both extreme emotions and these extreme emotions are the causes of chi blockage in the body. Like depression, anxiety directly affects liver chi and, ear acupuncture is also used as the mode of treatment for anxiety.
Rather than undergo depression or anxiety treatment with pharmaceutical drugs, acupuncture is the safest way to treat these extreme emotions in that it does not entail any adverse side effects, which pharmaceutical drugs inherently carries.