In spite of the needling procedure that many people are wary of, acupuncture treatment of arthritis is fast becoming a very popular treatment alternative for arthritis. Arthritis is a rheumatoid disease marked by the familiar arthritis symptoms of joint pain and stiffness. For the 15 or more million Americans as well as the millions upon millions of people throughout the world who have successfully tried the very old Chinese healing art of acupuncture, this therapy has been a wonderfully effective answer to their chronic pain. Prospective acupuncture “clients” should note that acupuncture therapy is used as a treatment for arthritis, not in its diagnosis. Therefore, potential acupuncture patients should have already been diagnosed with arthritis by their doctors before they go for acupuncture therapy.
Studies in Arthritis and Acupuncture
In the United States, over twenty million Americans suffer from osteoarthritis. It is actually one of the most common causes for disability among adults in the US each year. A study was done in 2001 at the University of Maryland School of Medicine involving 570 osteoarthritis patients aged 50 years and over who never had steroid injections, surgery or acupuncture before. The control group in this study was chosen and subjects in this group were given regular sessions of acupuncture. After the first week of the study the control group given acupuncture regularly showed an improvement in mobility; by the end of the study, at the end of the study, the group had a 40% drop in pain and also a 40% improvement in knee function.
Acupuncture Treatment for Arthritis
Experts of Western medicine can’t figure out how acupuncture really works in treating arthritis symptoms and other similar conditions. A skilled acupuncturist definitely knows who how acupuncture effectively treats arthritis. Traditional Chinese medicine states that pain is caused by blockage of a person’s vital energy. This energy is called Chi or Qi by the Chinese. Stimulating specific points in the body will help remove Chi blockages and restore balance in the body once more thus helping to relieve chronic pain in the process. Acupuncture also is a great way to improve a person’s sleep according to a study done in 1999.
When an acupuncturist performs acupuncture, he inserts very thin needles into strategic points known as acupoints in the skin. Acupoints play a very big role in the treatment of various conditions like arthritis using acupuncture therapy. Besides the needling procedure, acupoints can also be stimulated with laser, hand pressure (acupressure), electricity, magnets and even bee stings. Acupuncturists have often combined acupuncture with herbal medicine as well as giving their patients recommendations for positive changes in their lifestyle.
It has been determined by studies that some acupoints are basically connected to sensitive bio-trigger points studded with nerve endings. Further studies also reveal that stimulating those triggers in various ways can result in a plethora of biological responses, the release of painkilling chemicals called endorphins being one of the most important of these responses especially with regards to treating arthritis pain. These endorphins are natural, safe and more effective painkillers compared to synthetic analgesics such as Motrin, Tylenol or Advil.
Phoenix Rising Acupuncture & Herbal Clinic
2 Franklin Square
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Phone: 518-248-1540