A wide range of uncomfortable conditions and issues related to pregnancy can be addressed with acupuncture. They include:
Breast milk deficiency – Interestingly Chinese herbs and acupuncture, combined with drinking Guinness beer each day may help improve a pregnant woman’s milk production.
Blocked milk duct and mastitis – Combined with herbal compresses and vigorous self-massage and when given quickly enough, acupuncture can accelerate the recovery time from a mastitis infection. Mastitis can develop rapidly so do not procrastinate in getting treatment as well as proactively address this issue at home.
Inducement of Labor – Pregnant women usually progress into active labor rapidly after a session of acupuncture to induce labor. Occasionally two to three sessions will do the trick within a week after the due date.
Cervical ripening or labor preparation – Around the 37th to 40th week of pregnancy, when given once a week, a session of acupuncture can help boost the woman’s energy as well as improve her blood flow and emotions during that time. When women undergo acupuncture for cervical ripening, labor inducement is not required anymore.
Breech presentation – Moxibustion has been shown to help turn a baby that is in a breech position. This needs to be done for 10 to 14 days around the 34th and 36th week of pregnancy.
Back pain – This is a very common condition that acupuncture can cure very effectively. Acupuncture is probably the best treatment one can get for the alleviation of pain of any type. Moxibusion and cupping can also be performed for women suffering from back pain.
Restless legs – This very frustrating and agonizing condition can be treated with acupuncture. You may also need to add more calcium to your diet.
Stress – The adrenal glands produce and secrete hormones that cause stress and anxiety. These factors can decrease the flow of blood that nourishes the embryo. So, by removing stress through acupuncture, you can help ensure the good health of the baby.
Depression – For some reason, a lot of women suffer from depression during pregnancy. Interestingly, some acupuncturists combine acupuncture therapy with singing lessons under the tutelage of a singing teacher trained in proper breathing techniques to help treat pregnancy-related depression and/or post-partum related depression.
Headaches – A headache is also a type of pain and pregnant women often experience this around the 4th month of their pregnancy. If you do experience headaches around this time, then consider acupuncture treatment for it
Morning sickness or nausea – One to five sessions of acupuncture may be performed based on the severity of the nausea. This will enable you to eat and feel better. Acupuncture treatment for nausea is particularly potent if you also do something to help keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day.
Sub-chorionic hematoma (Spotting) – Moxibustion and acupuncture combined can help stop or at least lower bleeding from the uterus.
Prevent miscarriage – To prevent any chances for early pregnancy loss or miscarriage, one to two treatments of acupuncture is recommended. Dong so can help lower the activity of the sympathetic nervous system as well as boost blood flow to the embryo and reduce the stress of the pregnant woman.
Goldfarb Chiropractic and Acupuncture Center
1339 Pleasant Valley Way
West Orange, NJ 07052
Phone: 973-325-8884