Because it is a very safe and effective means of alleviating both acute and chronic, acupuncture is considered to be an ideal mode of treatment in the realm of pediatric healthcare. Nowadays, researchers have explored the use of acupuncture in pediatric healthcare, specifically in relation to asthma. But in order to fully understand acupuncture, we first need to understand what it is and how it works from a physiological perspective. Acupuncture involves the application of very fine needles into “points” on the body in order to alleviate a certain discomfort.
During treatment, the needles are inserted at an average depth of 0.3 to 0.8 of an inch and left in their place for around to 15 to 20 minutes.
How Exactly Does Acupuncture in Orlando for Childhood Asthma Work?
From the viewpoint of modern Western medicine, acupuncture works by stimulating the circulatory and sympathetic nervous systems along with several other bodily systems in given situations. The acupuncture points lie just above the 14 main energy channels in which a system of electromagnetic waves known as Qi or Chi Chinese flows.
The Chinese call asthma “xiao (or Hsiao) chuan”. This means wheezing and dyspnea in English. These two symptoms are considered distinct issues and are treated as such. Wheezing patients usually will also experience shortness of breath.
From a Chinese medicine viewpoint, the pathogenesis and etiology of childhood asthma is due to three factors. One factor is the infiltration of external pathogens which can include allergens such as cigarette smoke, pollen, heat, and cold. Addressing these external pathogenic factors will initially involve an allergy test. If certain allergens are identified, it is essential that any items in the household containing the allergens be removed. In Chinese medicine, asthma with a cold type can cause coughing with clear sputum, rapid breathing, and wheezing among many other signs and symptoms, while asthma with a heat type can lead to a sticky and yellowish sputum and a full cough among other signs and symptoms. Diet is another factor in childhood asthma. In diets that include fried, greasy, or raw foods, or seafoods such as shellfish, the likelihood of an asthma attack is increased. Identifying the foods that exacerbate or trigger childhood asthma and removing them from the diet can work extremely well in preventing asthma or lowering the frequency of attacks. The last factor is the root deficiency. Deficiencies can develop from chronic illnesses or a congenital issue which result in weakness. Weakness within the body can lead to a buildup of phlegm, as the water metabolism of the body is also weakened. In this instance, the lung, which is the storage and production of phlegm, becomes the organ mainly involved in the recurrence of asthma attacks.
There are a number of herbal formulas and acupuncture points that can be used to help treat childhood asthma. Chinese pediatric massage or acupressure may be used in lieu of acupuncture needles based on the health and age of the child. It’s important to seek treatment only from a licensed acupuncturist to prevent any pain, injury or infection during treatment.