The ways and means of treatments you can choose from are varied ranging from conventional treatments to alternative remedies. Many people are starting to see the horrible side effects caused by prescription drugs and are getting to learn more by researching natural alternative therapies for their condition. Many more people each day are being convinced of the many benefits of alternative medicine. Most of these modalities are ancient and some even can be traced back to the beginnings of man itself. The prolific ancient Chinese thousands of years before the rise of Western Europe have developed traditional Chinese medicine and the Native Americans of North America have created their own type of healing system that relies on the natural properties of Mother Earth itself.
All over the world there are many types of natural healing often utilized by the indigenous people of those lands. They all endeavor the same result – that of the maintenance, and restoration of health as well as prevention of diseases and illnesses. Most of these modalities espouse a healthy highly nutritious diet, mild regular exercise, living a stress free or less stressful life and availing of natural treatments and herbal remedies to treat disease and illness. There are specific natural healing methods that zoom in to specific conditions like acupuncture to name one. Some types of natural therapies follow a more holistic philosophy and focus on improving all aspect of the individual.
All natural therapies that are not part of mainstream medicine are collectively called alternative medicine. Alternative medicine can refer to osteopathy, meditation acupuncture aromatherapy and herbal remedies to mention just a few. Alternative medicine is always seen in the context of being a natural “alternative” to conventional prescription medications which the biggest issue of their use is their harmful side effects to the body. Alternative therapy offers complete natural healing remedies almost always originating from Mother Nature and hence does not contain any type of toxins which prescription medications have that cause serious side effects. A few of these natural modalities are listed below:
- Homeopathy – A healing art that involves the use of diluted variants that cause the illness, allowing the patient to build some sort of immunity to that illness.
- Naturopathy – This natural remedy uses the body itself to heal itself by focusing on energizing and strengthening the healing and defense functions of the body through various approaches which include mild exercise, colon cleaning and diet among others.
- Acupuncture Miami – This 5000 year old uniquely Chinese therapy uses a procedure involving the use of long but incredibly thin acupuncture needles to that are inserted into the skin at certain areas in the body known to have energy vessels passing along them. The needles remove any blockages that have developed in the energy vessels removing the pain and illnesses these blockages have caused.