In medical terminology, menstrual cramping is called dysmenorrhea and is often referred to as period pain. This kind of pain is felt as a heavy, dull, sharp, throbbing, or even burning pain. The condition can become complicated with unusual loss of blood and the pain is occasionally due to an IUD insertion of for contraceptive purposes. The suffered may feel the pain in the thighs … Continue reading
Tuina Massage Therapy Can Provide Stress Relief And A Whole Lot Of Other Benefits In Children
Young mothers are advised by their doctors to frequently massage the legs of their babies in order to increase blood flow to the babies’ legs, which can help them sleep better. This type of touch therapy tend to also strengthen the bond between child and mother. A full body … Continue reading
Moxibustion is an alternative form of medicine that burns moxa wool over the body. The lit moxa produces various degrees of heat required to generate healing. In women, some of moxibustion’s uses include calming a fetus, stopping bleeding, normalize menstruation, warm the abdomen and spleen to eliminate stagnation, and to warm the uterus. Depending on your health conditions or symptoms, it can be utilized as … Continue reading
These days, the ancient art of Tai chi is used as an exercise program that provides more benefits compared to the other conventional exercise routines. The other routines can provide meaningful benefits only to the musculoskeletal system. You apply your force against an immovable object when performing isometric exercises, which only benefits a few group of muscles in the body.
Weightlifting or calisthenics also only … Continue reading