When you hear the word acupuncture, what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you say needles, then you are among the majority. The needles are the reason most people are reluctant to try acupuncture in Miami. This is totally understandable. For me, one of my obstacles in studying acupuncture was my personal dislike of needles. From kid to adulthood, I had … Continue reading
To calm your Heart/Mind and re-build Yin and Blood, here are some delectable, easy-to-make recipes.
Create your favorite graham cracker crust or pastry covered with pie weights and baking paper and pre-bake at 350° for 20 minutes. Put all ingredients in a blender and mix and pour into the pre-baked shell. For another 20 minutes bake at the same temperature. Cool for an hour and … Continue reading
Are you suffering from lower back pain, neck pain, chronic tension, or headaches? Is your mind often exceedingly busy? Do you experience anxiety or depression? Are you finding it difficult to sleep at night, enter into a state of calmness, or relax? Is your nervous system overworked? If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you may probably need Craniosacral Therapy (or Craniosacral … Continue reading
Noticing the shifting of the season, as the reflective and cold nature of winter starts to wane, spring all of a sudden breaks forth in explosive new growth. For centuries, TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine has observed how the body is associated to the peculiar qualities for each time of year. The emotion of anger as well as the season of the gall bladder and … Continue reading
In this article, I’m going be sharing with you that Chinese medical theory, physiology and philosophy behind your lungs and your breath. Once you have an understanding for the Chinese medical side of your organs (in this case, your lung organ as well as the lung channel), you’re going to develop a whole new relationship with your lungs, and the health of your breath. It’s … Continue reading
In addition to certain nutritional and lifestyle modifications, there are numerous Chinese herbs which can improve the health of the breast, and which may help to prevent the development of breast cancer. These days, a lot of women face challenges with a wide variety breast problems with breast cancer being the most serious.
Estimate show that as many as 1 in 7 American women will … Continue reading
One of the most popular questions that I get is this, “How did you decide to study Chinese medicine?” Well, we had to go back to 2010 in order to answer that question. I was working full-time at a corporate job for about two years. I had a steady income, great friends, really reliable community, a fun environment and just a really good overall life.… Continue reading