Taiji or Tai chi means the origin. According to Chinese tradition, there exists opposite forces in the universe at the time of creation. These forces are known as Yin and Yang and they interact with each other, and merge with different forces in the universe: the Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal energy. Yin and Yang bring creation into being with a variety of characteristics.… Continue reading
Coaching baseball could be more fun by incorporating a bit of Eastern wisdom into your baseball strength training program. Chi Kung, more popularly known as Qi Gong, is an ancient Chinese holistic technique that unites spirit, body, and mind whilst helping the practitioner to be in touch with the earth and his/her own energy. It integrates a variety of postures and movements of the body … Continue reading
Tai Chi Chua means “the supreme” (Tai), “ultimate” (Chi) and “fist” (Chuan). Tai Chi Chuan is actually a type of martial art despite its being renowned as just a gentle form meditation exercise. Tai Chi is both powerful and effective when used as a martial art. It takes lots practice to even glean more so when you learn that in Tai Chi, the major aim … Continue reading
If you are serious about your health, then it is a no-brainer that incorporating physical exercises into your daily life is a must. Unfortunately, majority of the population seem to forget this fact. When physical activity or exercise is mentioned, we usually conjure up an image of ourselves lifting weights in the gym or running endless miles either outdoors or in a treadmill. If you … Continue reading