Before you commit to getting acupuncture ear staples to lose weight, you may want to do a little research about it. If you are overweight or obese, one of the most important things you can do for your health is to lose weight but acupuncture ear staples to lose weight can create pretty substantial problems if not done appropriately. Although side effects are rare, there … Continue reading
A few people may have read Acupressure Labor in some selected baby publications along with several other procedures pertaining to natural labor. If you’re past your due date, you probably may become a little anxious or be a bit concerned as to when the onset of labor actually comes. With regards to natural labor, there’s been a great deal of debate about it and you … Continue reading
Are you painstakingly anticipating baby’s due date which seems to take forever? Still no sign of any labor pain yet? Don’t worry. The fact is 70 percent of all newborns are born late. So you’ll probably have to wait a few days at least before you can expect your child regardless of what your doctor told you about the time it would reveal itself to … Continue reading
The best facial acupressure treatment that you can get is the Tibetan Acupressure Mat. It can optimize the sharpness, distribution, and density of your spines and what’s more, this procedure does not require any complicated massage techniques.
Tibetan Acupressure Mat facial massage benefits:
• Rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin
• Decrease of skin marks and imperfections (like scars, veins, aging marks, spots, moles, warts, … Continue reading
Losing weight isn’t easy. That is true as heck. It requires giving up a lot of things that you love and tons of willpower and inner strength.
But what if there is really a way that can literally give your body the ability to make those unwanted flabs vanish without suffering the ordeal of torturous weight loss programs? Well, such a thing actually exists and … Continue reading
Most of us often think of acupuncture when we think about Chinese medicine, but the fact is, herbal medicine is as important or even more important in Chinese medicine. The idea behind herbal medicine is that each herb has a number of different effects on the body through the organ or organs it affects, its actions, and its innate temperature.
Foods have the same … Continue reading
One of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s most widely used therapies is cupping. It involves the local suctioning of the skin through the use of mechanical devices (electrical pumps or hands) or heat (fire). Cupping is a method that’s deemed to help cure insomnia, relieve joint and muscle pain, enhance blood circulation, and extract toxins.
Besides his remarkable achievements, star American swimmer, Michael Phelps, caught everybody’s attention … Continue reading
The common question asked by many when talking about Chinese cuisine is whether or not it is possible to create a healthy diet based on Chinese food. Yes, is the obvious answer to that question. In truth, the Chinese people are extremely health-conscious and the kinds of food they eat are usually quite nourishing. Chinese cuisine definitely can be a part of your health diet … Continue reading
After days of sitting in front of the TV watching mind numbing shows for hours on end and eating and drinking lots of pizza and beer, you might be worried about gaining a bit of flab around your waist and stomach. You may consider embarking on those delectable food-diet prepackaged programs or ordering the latest diet book online. You may also want to try another … Continue reading