A technique that helps recover lost functionality and encourages the immune system towards natural healing, acupuncture is a form of treatment that cures sickness from the roots as opposed to modern medicine, which only focuses on the symptoms. This type of traditional Chinese medicine considers a person as an energy system in which the mind and body balance each other.
Hashimoto’s disease can wreak a lot of problems throughout the body, but it is the gall bladder and the liver where its influence is most felt. This article will talk about these relationships and will discuss why having a healthy liver is extremely important for the treatment of Hashimoto’s disease.
The Thyroid and Liver Affect Each Other in Several Areas Because Of Hashimoto’s
Like the … Continue reading
Infertility is known as the inability of a couple to conceive after a year of unprotected sexual intercourse. Tis condition affects more than 5 million couples in the U. S alone. Only around 10% of affected individuals seek medical help due to an unawareness of availability of treatments. This work will talk about the traditional Chinese medicine concept of “cold” in the treatment of infertility.… Continue reading
PMS is a condition involving discomfort that arises just before the onset of the menstruation, at the end of the monthly cycle. PM usually develops in the 5-11 days leading up to menstruation. Constipation and other changes in bowel function, food cravings, edema (retention of water), weight gain, breast tenderness, depression, irritability, and moodiness are some of its symptoms.
PMS points to an imbalance in … Continue reading
Most of you may have read something about acupuncture by now, or you might have an idea of what it is. Still, there might be some questions regarding its authority and authenticity when it comes to healing diseases. For one, people need to understand the fundamentals of acupuncture and maybe they could begin to appreciate its healing qualities. The following are a few facts about … Continue reading
Arthritis, joint pain, chronic pain, and most especially lower back pain, are some of the most common reasons why patients seek-out acupuncture treatments. For a lot of these people, Chinese medicine and acupuncture have been extremely beneficial in the relief of their pain. The question is, will it work for you?
Chinese Medicine and Pain
Joint and/or musculoskeletal pain, in Chinese medicine, is referred to … Continue reading
Both Western and Eastern medicine view frequent anger to be a destructive emotion and when a person is constantly angry, the anger can become a part of his life and the person then uses it as the main way to deal with anxieties or emotionally-charged situations. Anger can then be the person’s main personality trait instead of it being an occasional feeling. And since this … Continue reading
Imagine yourself going completely blind by the time you cross the age of sixty. Since 1 in 4000 people do go blind by the time they reach 60 you just might be one of the unluckiest people on earth. Retinitis Pigmentosa is the medical term of a special eye abnormality that tends to make people go completely blind due to the degeneration of their retina. … Continue reading
Nerve damage is a an extremely variable condition that can manifest in loss of or limited range of motion, tingling, numbness, pain, and a host of other symptoms depending on what nerves are affected. Treatment typically is conducted by a neurologist in order to determine what approach needs to be used: medications like oral or nerve blocks, electrical stimulation methods, physical therapy, or surgery. Prognosis … Continue reading
In a release of a recent clinical study’s results on the effectiveness of acupuncture for the relief of dysmenorrhea pain in the Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the positive effects of this millennia-old Chinese alternative therapy were verified. The positive reaction of patients suffering from menstrual pain who were administered with acupuncture treatment in Pem demonstrated the high level of efficacy of this treatment.
Marked by … Continue reading