Long used to treat addictions in Western countries, acupuncture is an Oriental healing procedure that has been utilized in hospitals along with conventional Western modes of treatment such as methadone for heroin addictions. Acupuncture is also utilized by several addiction clinics to resolve the underlying causes and symptoms of addiction. This extremely effective form of Chinese medicine has worked for thousands of years for the … Continue reading
Acupuncture is A Superior Treatment to Physical Therapy and Drugs for the Treatment of Low Back Pain
Arthritis, joint pain, and especially chronic lower back pain are three of the biggest reasons why patients seek out acupuncture treatments. For a lot of individuals, Chinese or Oriental Medicine and acupuncture has been an integral component of their treatment plan for pain.
The Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective of Pain
In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) joint and/or musculoskeletal pain is attributed to a TCM health … Continue reading
Considered as lymph nodes and found on each side at the throat’s back, the tonsils are body organs whose function is to filter out dangerous pathogens that can infect the body. However, from to time, the tonsils are overrun by viral or bacterial organisms causing the tonsils to become inflamed and infected along with a number of flu-like symptoms. This condition is known as tonsillitis … Continue reading
For hyperthyroidism and many diseases and conditions, acupuncture is definitely one of the oldest, most reliable and most effective treatments in the world. This alternative healing procedure is an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine and has been used with great effectiveness in China and other parts of Asia for thousands of years.
Based on surveys, an overwhelming number of people are seeking for natural … Continue reading
Studies dealing with acupuncture treatment of tinnitus in Bellingham reveal that a distinctive pattern exists for people who have gotten well from the treatment: tinnitus patients who possess symmetric hearing thresholds and those whose ringing sound is strongly lateralized to one ear and. Because the asymmetry of the ringing noise and the symmetry of hearing, these sufferers are not likely to have a solely auditory … Continue reading
Can acupuncture contribute to the betterment of people suffering from cancer? Certainly! Cancer is not one condition but more than 300 various forms of malignancies. Each form of cancer has its very own clinical behavior, pathophysiology, and histology. Since each type of cancer is unique in itself, so too are the forms of treatment used to manage each type of cancer. We have several kinds … Continue reading