TCM or Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a well defined healthcare profession with its practice of acupuncture and herbal medicine guided by a coherent and an evolving body of knowledge underpinned by its unique philosophy, holism and ongoing scientific endeavor. The development of TCM in countries other than China has been started over one and a half century. For example in Australia, the most rapidly … Continue reading
Acupuncture Bellmore originated in China to balance the flow of the life force energy. The belief is by inserting extremely thin needles into specific parts of the body along the meridians (pathways which the energy flows through) you will rebalance your life energy flow. Western practitioners view the acupuncture points as places to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. This boosts the body’s natural pain … Continue reading
Saratoga Springs acupuncture is an entirely drug-free healthcare system. It works by restoring the body’s energetic balance and stimulating the body’s natural healing ability. In all treatments sterile, disposable needles are used.
Acupuncture has been in existence for over three thousand years and is increasingly accepted throughout the Western World as an adjunct to or in place of western medicine. Unlike conventional medicine, which is … Continue reading