One use for acupuncture is for the treatment of acute bronchitis, a disease resulting from the inflammation of the air passages of the lungs. Bronchitis usually occurs shortly after a person contracts a respiratory infection. The symptoms often initially affect the throat, sinuses, and nose of the person, and then spread to the lungs resulting in wheezing, chest pain, fever, productive coughing, and fatigue. Individuals who are at high risk for bronchitis infection include people suffering from heart of lung disease, the elderly, smokers, infants, and young children. The conventional modes of treatment for bronchitis include steam therapy, fluids, and rest and medication to address the wheezing and coughing. Acupuncture is one alternative treatment for bronchitis in Overland Park that is safe, effective, and natural.
Developed more than 3,000 years ago in China, acupuncture is a type of healing procedure that uses sterile and very thin needles inserted at different points in the body to better health, prevent disease, balance the body and resolve illness. Acupuncturists activate acupoints to stimulate the vital energy of the body known as qi. Acupuncture is known to release chemicals and hormones into the bloodstream leading to a reduction of pain and the improvement of health. Although this treatment has been used for thousands of years, it has only become popular in the United States during the 1970’s.
A study featured in the Chinese journal “Zhongguo Zhen Jiu,” released 2007, showed that the long and short term effect of acupuncture in about 200 acute bronchitis patients which was administered during the three hottest periods of the year (a time when acute bronchitis attacks are at their most common) experienced long and short term improvement of their symptoms compared to the patients who only had a change in lifestyle.
Upon visiting your acupuncturist for the first time, he/she may question you about you and your family’s medical history, your symptoms, and your chief complaint. Then your acupuncturist will palpate your pulse and examine your tongue in order to come up with a Chinese medical diagnosis. During the treatment process you will lie comfortably as the practitioner sticks the thin needles at different areas of your body. Your acupuncturist may also use additional therapies such as cupping therapy, gua sha, or Chinese message. The needles are left in place for twenty minutes to a full hour at which time you may have already fallen asleep due to the very relaxing effect of the treatment.
Ask your doctor for referrals or recommendations when looking for a qualified and experienced acupuncturist. Although considered a very safe form of treatment, acupuncture can still produce negative effects. Do not use acupuncture as a replacement for mainstream treatment when it’s not necessary.